söndag 31 augusti 2014

Summer memories. Chilling with the royals

A great memory from this summer when a Rolls-Royce Phantom convertible decided to park with no one less than Härken him self. The photo was take at the basecamp to Preikestolen in Norway.

tisdag 19 augusti 2014


Today has been a chill day. Härken has just been hanging out in the parking garage. But hey! everyday can't be an adventure. Posting an old pic from some chillout!

Lookin Pretty for a Blocket ad !

måndag 18 augusti 2014


During a sunny trip to the local IKEA. Härken as usual takes more than one parking square, I mean hes a big car, 2 squares minimum. But obviously this crappy Mazda has no respect for the little larger Cars or it simply wanted to sniff up the tail of Härken! But the fact remains show some damn respect!

Starting out!

This is a blog about the everyday life of the car Härken.
Härken was born in 1999 in Gent, Netherlands. He used to have red paintwork but after many miles and rough years hes somewhat pale or pink as bullies would say.
He currently serves as the main mean of transportation his owner the young engineer called Nick.